Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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Publicaciones 2020

* En negrita los miembros del departamento

ALONSO-PUIG, M.; MIRÓ, J.; TORRES-LUNA, R.; ALONSO-PRIETO, M.; DE MIGUEL-RUANO, G.; PLAZA, D., REINOSO-BARBERO, F. (2020). The association between pain relief using video games and an increase in vagal tone in children with cancer: analytic observational study with a quasi-experimental pre/posttest methodology. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(3), e16013-. Impact Factor: 5.03

ARAGONÉS, E.; SÁNCHEZ-IRISO, E.; LÓPEZ-CORTACANS, G.; TOMÉ-PIRES, C.; RAMBLA, CE.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E. (2020). Cost-effectiveness of a collaborative care program for managing major depression and chronic musculoskeletal pain in primary care: economic evaluation alongside a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 135, n.110167-. Impact Factor: 2.86

AZNAR-CASANOVA, JA.; GAVILÁN, JM.; MORENO SÁNCHEZ, M.; HARO, J. (2020). The Emotional Attentional Blink as a Measure of Patriotism. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 23, e30-. Impact Factor: 0.749

BLANCO, J.; GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; MULERO, M.; BASAURE, P.; BIOSCA-BRULL, J.; CABRÉ, M.; COLOMINA, MT.; DOMINGO, JL.; SÁNCHEZ, DJ. (2020). Obesogenic effects of chlorpyrifos and its metabolites during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 137, n.111171-. Impact Factor: 4.679

BOADA, R.; GUASCH, M.; HARO, J.; DEMESTRE, J.; FERRÉ, P. (2020). SUBTLEX-CAT: Subtitle word frequencies and contextual diversity for Catalan. Behavior Research Methods, 52(1), 360-375. Impact Factor: 4.425

CALDERON, C.; FERRANDO, P. J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; HERNÁNDEZ, R.; OPORTO-ALONSO, M.; JIMÉNEZ-FONSECA, P. (2020). Factor structure and measurement invariance of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18) in cancer patients. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 20(1), 71-80. Impact Factor: 4.25

CALDERON, C.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P. J.; GÓMEZ-SÁNCHEZ, D.; FERREIRA, E.; CIRIA-SUAREZ, L.; PORTO-ALONSO, M.; FERNÁNDEZ-ANDUJAR, M.; JIMÉNEZ-FONSECA, P. (2020). Psychometric properties of Spanish version of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology Doi:10.1016/j.ijchp.2020.06.001, , -. Impact Factor: 4.25

CANALS, J.; MORALES-HIDALGO, P.; ROIGÉ CASTELLVÍ, J.; VOLTAS, N.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C. (2020). Prevalence and Epidemiological Characteristics of ADHD in Pre-School and School Age Children in the Province of Tarragona, Spain. Journal of Attention Disorders, Doi:10.1177/1087054720938866, -. Impact Factor: 2.826

CASTARLENAS, E.; SOLÉ, E.; GALÁN, S.; RACINE, M.; JENSEN, MP.; MIRÓ J. (2020). Construct validity and internal consistency of the Catalan version of the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire in young people with chronic pain. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 43(4), 213-221. Impact Factor: 1.578

COSI, S.; LÁZARO, J.L.; VOLTAS, N.; MORALES-HIDALGO, P.; MOLINA, S.; CALVO, M.; QUIROGA, M.A. (2020). Formative Assessment at University Using Digital Technology Tools. Profesorado, Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, DOI: 10.30827/profesorado.v24i1.9314, .

DUEÑAS, J. M.; FERNÁNDEZ-MONTEIRO, M.; MORALES-VIVES, F. (2020). What is the protective role of perceived social support and religiosity in suicidal ideation in early youth?. Journal of General Psychology, 147(4), 432-447. Impact Factor: 0.409

DUEÑAS, J.M.; SANTIAGO-LARRIEU, B.; FERRÉ-REY, G.; COSI, S. (2020). The Relationship Between Family Socialization Styles and Ambivalent. Sexism in Adolescence. Interpersona, 14(1), 18-39. Impact Factor: 0.17

ESTEBAN-FIGUEROLA, P.; JARDÍ, C.; CANALS J.; ARIJA, V. (2020). Validation of a short food frequency questionnaire in small children (Validación de un cuestionario corto de frecuencia de consumo alimentario en niños pequeños). Nutrición Hospitalaria, 37(1), 101-113. Impact Factor: 1.096

ESTRADA-MUÑOZ, C.; CASTILLO, D.; VEGA-MUÑOZ, A.; BOADA-GRAU, J. (2020). Teacher technostress in the Chilean school System. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), n.5280-. Impact Factor: 2.849

EXPÓSITO-VIZCAÍNO, S.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; MIRÓ, J. (2020). The role of physical, cognitive and social factors in pain interference with activities of daily living among individuals with chronic cancer pain. European Journal of Cancer Care, 29, Issue 2, e13203. Doi:10.1111/ecc.13203-. Impact Factor: 2.161

FERRANDO, P. J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2020). The Appropriateness of Sum Scores as Estimates of Factor Scores in the Multiple Factor Analysis of Ordered-Categorical Responses. Educational and Psychological Measurement, Doi:10.1177/0013164420938108, -. Impact Factor: 1.941

FERRANDO, P. J.; NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D. (2020). InDisc: An R Package for Assessing Person and Item Discrimination in Typical-Response Measures. Applied Psychological Measurement, 44(4), 327-328. Impact Factor: 1.788

GAVILÁN, J. M.; HARO, J.; CRUSELLAS, D. (2020). Effectiveness of a perceptual illusions contest as an innovative educational tool for gaining competences in a psychology university degree course. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Doi:10.1080/14703297.2020.1799840, -. Impact Factor:

GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; BASAURE, P.; BIOSCA-BRULL, J.; CABRÉ, M.; BLANCO, J.; PÉREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, C.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F.; DOMINGO, JL.; COLOMINA, MT. (2020). APOE genotype and postnatal chlorpyrifos exposure modulate gut microbiota and cerebral short-chain fatty acids in preweaning mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 135, n.110872-. Impact Factor: 4.679

GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; BLANCO, J.; BASAURE, P.; BIOSCA-BRULL, J.; VERKAIK-SCHAKEL, RN.; CABRÉ, M.; PERIS-SAMPEDRO, F.; PÉREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, C.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F.; PLÖSCH, T.; DOMINGO, JL.; COLOMINA, MT. (2020). Sex and Exposure to Postnatal Chlorpyrifos Influence the Epigenetics of Feeding-Related Genes in a Transgenic APOE Mouse Model: Long-Term Implications on Body Weight after a High-Fat Diet. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Doi:10.3390/ijerph18010184, -. Impact Factor:

HEREDIA, L.; TORRENTE, M.; VICENS, P. (2020). Spiritual competence, Contemplative education and Mindfulness in Schools. Studies in Psychology, 41(3), 467-489. Impact Factor: 0.527

HINOJOSA, JA.; HARO, J.; MAGALLARES, S.; DUÑABEITIA, JA.; FERRÉ,P. (2020). Iconicity ratings for 10,995 Spanish words and their relationship with psycholinguistic variables. Behavior Research Methods, Doi:10.3758/s13428-020-01496-z, -. Impact Factor: 4.425

HINOJOSA, JA.; MORENO, EM.; FERRÉ, P. (2020). Affective neurolinguistics: towards a framework for reconciling language and emotion. Language Cognition And Neuroscience, 35(7), 813-839. Impact Factor: 1.925

HINOJOSA, JA.; MORENO, EM.; FERRÉ, P. (2020). On the limits of affective neurolinguistics: a "universe" that quickly expands. Language Cognition And Neuroscience, 35(7), 877-884. Impact Factor: 1.925

HUETE-PÉREZ, D.; HARO, J.; FRAGA, I.; FERRÉ, P. (2020). HEROÍNA: Drug or hero? Meaning-dependent valence norms for ambiguous Spanish words. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41(2), 259-283. Impact Factor: 0.95

IGLESIAS,L.; VANGINKEL,G.; ARIJA,V.; CANALS,J. (2020). ) Composition of Gut Microbiota in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients, 12(3), 792-. Impact Factor: 4.546

JORDI MIRÓ, FRANCISCO REINOSO-BARBERO, JOAQUÍN ESCRIBANO SUBÍAS, LORENA MARTÍ YÁÑEZ. (2020). El tratamiento del dolor en población infantojuvenil en España: datos de una encuesta sobre los programas especializados existentes. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 93, http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1135-57272019000100039.

KATSANOU, E.S.; BATAKIS, P.; SPYROPOULOU, A.; SCHREIBER, E.; BOVEE, T.; TORRENTE, M.; GÓMEZ, M.; KUMAR, V.; DOMINGO, JL.; MACHERA, K. (2020). Maternal exposure to mixtures of dienestrol, linuron and flutamide. Part II: Endocrine-related gene expression assessment on male offspring rat testes, 144, p. 111603-. Impact Factor: 4.679

LLORENS-VERNET, P.; MIRÓ, J. (2020). Standards for mobile health-related apps: systematic review and development of a guide. JMIR mHealth & uHealth, 8(3), e13057. Doi: 10.2196/13057-. Impact Factor: 4.31

LLORENS-VERNET, P.; MIRÓ, J. (2020). The Mobile App Development and Assessment Guide: a Delphi-based validity study. JMIR mHealth & uHealth, 8(7), e17760-. Impact Factor: 4.31

LOBINA, DJ.; GARCÍA-ALBEA, JE.; DEMESTRE, J. (2020). Parsing for Position. Experimental Psychology, 67(1), 40-47. Impact Factor: 0.803

LÓPEZ-TOLEDO, S.; CANALS, J.; BALLONGA C.; ARIJA, V. (2020). Estado nutricional de escolares peruanos según nivel socioeconómico. Proyecto INCOS.. Revista Española de Nutrición Comunitaria, 26(1), 2-9.

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P. J. (2020). Not Positive Definite Correlation Matrices in Exploratory Item Factor Analysis: Causes, Consequences and a Proposed Solution. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Doi:10.1080/10705511.2020.1735393, -. Impact Factor: 3.638

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P. J. (2020). Unrestricted factor analysis of multidimensional test items based on an objectively refined target matrix. Behavior Research Methods, 52(1), 116-130. Impact Factor: 4.425

MÉNDEZ, I.; CASTRO-FORNIELES, J.; LERA-MIGUEL, S.; PICADO, M.; BORRAS, R.; COSI, S.; VALENTÍ, M.; SANTAMARINA, P.; FONT, E.; ROMERO, S. (2020). Functional and academic impairment in adolescents with early onset bipolar disorder compared to healthy controls: a case-control study. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent, 29(3), 149-164. Impact Factor: 0.51

MENÉNDEZ-ESPINA, S.; LLOSA, JA.; AGULLÓ-TOMÁS, E.; RODRÍGUEZ-SUÁREZ, J.; SÁIZ-VILLAR, R.; LASHERAS-DÍEZ, HF.; DE WITTE, H.; BOADA-GRAU, J. (2020). The influence of gender inequality in the development of job insecurity: differences between women and men. Frontiers in Public Health, Doi:10.3389/fpubh.2020.526162, -. Impact Factor: 2.483

MINELLI DE OLIVEIRA, J.; VICENS-CALDERÓN, P.; BUENESTADO CABALLERO, P. (2020). "I Wish I Could Have Helped Him in Some Way or Put the Family on Notice": an Exploration of Teachers' Perceived Strengths and Deficits in Overall Knowledge of Suicide. Journal of Lost and Trauma, Doi:10.1080/15325024.2020.1772449, -. Impact Factor: 0.769

MIRÓ, J. (2020). Sleep and fatigue: how they can affect outcomes of chronic pain managment programs. Neurodiem, https://www.neurodiem.co.uk/news/sleep-and-fatigue-how-they-can-affect-outcomes-of-chronic-pain-management-18K4TE5Qic9T25HAHGDag1, .

MIRÓ, J. (2020). Tratamiento del dolor infantil en España. Gaceta Sanitaria, , .

MIRÓ, J.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; BRIJALDO, S.; JENSEN, M.P. (2020). The Silhouettes Fatigue Scale: Comprehensibility and validity in older individuals. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(13), 1906-1911 - Doi: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1539129. Impact Factor: 2.222

MORALES-NAVAS, M.; CASTAÑO-CASTAÑO, S.; PÉREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, C.; SÁNCHEZ-GIL, A.; COLOMINA, MT.; LEINEKUGEL, X.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F. (2020). Similarities between the Effects of Prenatal Chlorpyrifos and Valproic Acid on Ultrasonic Vocalization in Infant Wistar Rats. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health., 17(17), Doi: 10.3390/ijerph17176376-. Impact Factor: 2.849

MORALES-VIVES, F.; CAMPS, E.; DUEÑAS, J.M. (2020). Predicting academic achievement in adolescents: The role of psychological maturity, intelligence and the Big Five personality traits. Psicothema, 32(1), 84-91. Impact Factor: 3.013

MORALES-VIVES, F.; DUEÑAS, J.M.; VIGIL-COLET, A.; CAMARERO-FIGUEROLA, M. (2020). Psychological Variables Related to Adaptation to the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-9. Impact Factor: 2.067

MORALES-VIVES, F.; GÓMEZ-HERRERA, M.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2020). Mexican Adaptation of the Inventory ofcallous-Unemotional Traits and Antisocial Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 753-. Impact Factor: 2.067

NIETO, R., PARDO, R., SORA, B., FELIU-SOLER, A. & LUCIANO, J.V. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown Measures on Spanish People with Chronic Pain: An Online Study Survey. Journal of clinical medicine, 9(11), 3558.

PAOLIERI, D.; DEMESTRE, J.; GUASCH, M.; BAJO, T.; FERRÉ, P. (2020). The gender congruency effect in Catalan-Spanish bilinguals: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1(11), Doi:10.1017/S1366728920000073-. Impact Factor: 2.21

PEIRÓ, T., SORA, B., SORIANO, A., & YEVES, J. (2020). Nursing Education in Catalonia: Novice Professionals' Appraisal of Its Quality and Usefulness. Does Mobility Play a Role?. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(19), 7145.

PÉREZ-CRESPO, L.; CANALS, J.; SUADES-GONZÁLEZ, E.; GUXENS, M. (2020). Temporal trends and geographical variability of the prevalence and incidence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnosis among children in Catalonia, Spain. Scientific Reports, 10, n. 6397-. Impact Factor: 2.21

PÉREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, C.; MORALES, M.; GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; GARRIDO, JA.; COLOMINA, MT.; GIMÉNEZ, E.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F. (2020). Long-term effects of low doses of Chlorpyrifos Organophosphate exposure at preweaning stages: a locomotor, pharmacological, brain gene expression and gut microbiome analysis. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 135, n.110865, Doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2019-. Impact Factor: 4.679

PÉREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, C.; MORALES-NAVAS, M.; AGUILERA-SÁEZ, LM.; ABREU, AC.; GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; FERNÁNDEZ, I.; GARRIDO-CÁRDENAS, JA.; COLOMINA, MT.; GIMÉNEZ, E.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F. (2020). Medium and long-term effects of low doses of Chlorpyrifos during the postnatal, preweaning developmental stage on sociability, dominance, gut microbiota and plasma metabolites. Environmental Research, 184, n.104341, Doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109341-. Impact Factor: 5.715

PEREZ-FERNANDEZ, C.; MORALES-NAVAS, M.; GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; COLOMINA, MT.; GIMÉNEZ, E.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F. (2020). Postnatal exposure to low doses of Chlorpyrifos induces long-term effects on 5C-SRTT learning and performance, cholinergic and GABAergic systems and BDNF expression. Experimental Neurology, 330 , n. 113356, Doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2020.113356-. Impact Factor: 4.691

PÉREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, C.; MORALES-NAVAS, M.; GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; COLOMINA, MT.; GIMÉNEZ, E.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F. (2020). Postnatal Exposure to Low Doses of Chlorpyrifos Induces Long-Term Effects on 5C-SRTT Learning and Performance, Cholinergic and GABAergic Systems and BDNF Expression. Experimental Neurology, 330, n. 113356, Doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2020.113356-. Impact Factor: 4.691

PERIS-SAMPEDRO, F.; GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; BASAURE, P.; CABRÉ, M.; COLOMINA, MT. (2020). Improvement of APOE4-dependent non-cognitive behavioural traits by postnatal cholinergic stimulation in female mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 384, n.112552, Doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112552-. Impact Factor: 2.977

RACINE, M.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; DE LA VEGA, R.; GALÁN, S.; SOLÉ, E.; JENSEN, M.; MIRÓ, J. (2020). Pain-related activity management patterns as predictors of treatment outcomes in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. Pain Medicine, 21(2): e191-e200, Doi: 10.1093/pm/pnz259-. Impact Factor: 2.513

RACINE, M.; SOLÉ, E.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; TOMÉ-PIRES, C.; ROY, R.; JENSEN, M.P.; MIRÓ, J.; MOULIN, DE.; CANE, D. (2020). An evaluation of sex differences in patients with chronic pain undergoing an interdisciplinary pain treatment program. Pain Practice, 20(1), 62-74. Impact Factor: 2.35


RAMÍREZ-MAESTRE, C.; ESTEVE, R.; LÓPEZ-MARTÍNEZ, AE.; MIRÓ, J.; JENSEN, MP.; DE LA VEGA, R. (2020). Beyond Pain Intensity: The Association between self-enhancing humor and the adaptation of individuals with chronic pain. European Journal of Pain, 24(7), 1357-1367. Impact Factor: 3.492

ROIGÉ-CASTELLVÍ, J.; MORALES-HIDALGO, P.; VOLTAS, N.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; VAN GINKEL, G.; CANALS, J. (2020). Prenatal and perinatal factors associated with ADHD risk in schoolchildren: EPINED epidemiological study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Doi:10.1007/s00787-020-01519-2, -. Impact Factor: 3.941

ROIGÉ-CASTELLVÍ, J.; MORALES-HIDALGO, P.; VOLTAS, N.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; VIGIL-COLET, A; CANALS, J. (2020). Predictive value of Child Behavior Checklist, Youth Self-Report and Conners 3 AI for ADHD in school-aged children. Psicología Conductual/Behavioral Psychology, 28(1), 19-34. Impact Factor: 1.017

ROIGÉ-CASTELLVÍ, J.; MURPHY, M.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; SOLÉ-NAVAIS, P.; CAVALLÉ-BUSQUETS, P.; FERNÁNDEZ-BALLART, J.; BALLESTEROS, M.; CANALS, J. (2020). The effect of prenatal smoke exposure on child neuropsychological function: a prospective mother-child cohort study. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 38(1), 25-37. Impact Factor: 1.188

ROY, R.; DE LA VEGA, R.; JENSEN, M. P.; MIRÓ, J. (2020). Neurofeedback for pain management: A systematic review. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, n. 671, -. Impact Factor: 3.707

SABATER, L.; GUASCH, M.; FERRÉ, P.; FRAGA, I.; HINOJOSA, J. A. (2020). Spanish affective normative data for 1,406 words rated by children and adolescents (SANDchild). Behavior Research Methods, Doi 10.3758/s13428-020-01377-5, -. Impact Factor: 4.425

SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; ARAGONÈS, E.; JENSEN, M.P.; TOMÉ-PIRES, C.; RAMBLA, C.; LÓPEZ-CORTACANS, G.; MIRÓ, J. (2020). The role of pain-related cognitions in the relationship between pain severity, depression, and pain interference in a sample of primary care patients with both chronic pain and depression. Pain Medicine, 21(1), 2200-2211. Impact Factor: 2.513

SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; RACINE, M.; CASTARLENAS, E.; TOMÉ-PIRES, C.; GALÁN, S.; JENSEN, M.P.; MIRÓ, J. (2020). Behavioral Activation and Inhibition Systems: Further evaluation of a BIS-BAS model of chronic pain. Pain Medicine, DOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa330, -. Impact Factor: 2.513

SANTAMARINA-PEREZ, P.; MENDEZ, I.; SINGH, M. K.; BERK, M.; PICADO, M.; FONT, E.; MORENO, E.; MARTÍNEZ, E.; MORER, A.; BORRÀS, R.; COSI, S.; ROMERO, S. (2020). Adapted dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents with a high risk of suicide in a community clinic: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Suicide and Life?Threatening Behavior, Doi:10.1111/sltb.12612, -. Impact Factor: 3.867

SCHREIBER, E.; GARCIA, T.; GONZÁLEZ, N.; ESPLUGAS, R.; SHARMA, R.P.; TORRENTE, M.; KUMAR, V.; BOVEE, T.; KATSANOUF, ES.; MACHERAF, K.; DOMINGO, JL.; GÓMEZ, M. (2020). Maternal exposure to mixtures of dienestrol, linuron and flutamide. Part I: Feminization effects on male rat offspring. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 139, p. 111256, -. Impact Factor: 4.679

SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ, M. J., BOADA-GRAU, J., BOADA-CUERVA, M. i VIGIL-COLET, A. (2020). Work addiction as a predictor of Anxiety and Depression. WORK: A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, , .

SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ, M.J.; TÀPIA-CABALLERO, P.; BOADA-GRAU, J.; ARAYA-CASTILLO, L. (2020). Variables that predict Attitudes Toward Safety Regulations in professional drivers. Journal of Transport & Health, 19, 100967, -. Impact Factor: 2.418

SOLÉ, E.; RACINE, R.; TOMÉ-PIRES, C.; GALÁN, S.; JENSEN, M.P.; MIRÓ, J. (2020). Social factors, disability and depressive symptoms in adults with chronic pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 36(5), 371-378. Impact Factor: 2.893

VALLEJO-VÉLEZ, M.; BOADA-GRAU, J.; SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ, M.J.; SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, J.C.; ASSENS-SERRA, J.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2020). A Confirmatory Analysis of the Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale in two countries: Colombia and Spain. Revista Mexicana de Psicologia, 37(1), 5-17.

VENTURA, D.; HEREDIA, L.; TORRENTE, M.; VICENS, P. (2020). Automated emotional facial expression assessment and emotional elicitation through film clip stimuli. Studia Psychologica, 62(4), 350-363. Impact Factor: 0.53

VIGIL-COLET, A.; NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D.; MORALES-VIVES, F. (2020). To reverse or to not reverse Likert-typeitems: That is the question. Psicothema, 32(1), 108-114. Impact Factor: 3.013

VOLTAS, N.; CANALS, J.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; SERRAT, N.; BASORA, J.; ARIJA, V. (2020). Effect of vitamin D status during pregnancy on infant neurodevelopment: The eclipses study. Nutrients, 12(10), 1-20. Impact Factor: 4.546

VOLTAS, N.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; ARIJA, V.; CANALS, J. (2020). Suicidality in a community sample of pre-adolescents: a three-phase follow-up study. Archives of Suicide Research, 24 Issue sup2, 217-235. Impact Factor: 2.46