Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Publicaciones 2019

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Publicaciones 2019

* En negrita los miembros del departamento

ARAGONÈS, E.; RAMBLA, C.; LÓPEZ-CORTACANS, G.; TOMÉ-PIRES, C.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; CABALLERO, A.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Effectiveness of a collaborative care intervention for managing major depression and chronic musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders. Vol. 252, 221-229. Impact factor: 3.785.

ARIJA, V.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; TOUS, M.; CANALS, J.; GUXENS, M.; FERNÁNDEZ-BARRÉS, S.; VIOQUE, J. (2019). Association of Iron Status and Intake During Pregnancy with Neuropsychological Outcomes in Children Aged 7 Years: The Prospective Birth Cohort Infancia y Medio Ambiente (INMA) Study. Nutrients, 11(12), n. Article 2999. Desembre. Impact factor:2.36.

ASSENS-SERRA, J.;SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ, M.J.; BOADA-GRAU, J.; BOADA-CUERVA, M.; MACIP-SIMÓ, S.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2019) Health and Safety at Work in the Transport Industry (TRANS-12): Factorial Structure, Reliability and Validity. Anales de Psicología. Vol.35(1), 116-123. Gener. Impact factor: 0.90.

BASAURE, P.; GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; BIOSCA-BRULL, J.; BLANCO, J.; CABRÉ, M.; PERIS-SAMPEDRO, F.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F.; DOMINGO, JL.; COLOMINA, MT. (2019) Exposure to chlorpyrifos at different ages triggers APOE genotype-specific responses in social behavior, body weight and hypothalamic gene expression. Enviromental Research. Vol. 178. Número d'article: 108684. Novembre. Impact factor:5.026.

BASAURE, P.; GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; CABRÉ, M.; PERIS-SAMPEDRO, F.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F.; DOMINGO, JL.; COLOMINA, MT. (2019) Learning, memory and the expression of cholinergic components in mice are modulated by the pesticide chlorpyrifos depending upon age at exposure and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. Archives Toxicology. Vol. 93(3), 693-707. Març. Impact factor: 5.728.

BOADA, R.; GUASCH, M.; HARO, J.; DEMESTRE, J.; FERRÉ, P. (2019). SUBTLEX-CAT: Subtitle word frequencies and contextual diversity for Catalan. Behavior Research Methods. Vol.52, 360-375. Febrer. Impact factor:4.062.

CALDERON, C.; FERRANDO, PJ.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; HIGUERA, O.; RAMÓN Y CAJAL, T.; ROGADO, J.; MUT-LLORET, M.; RODRÍGUEZ-CAPOTE, A.; JARA, C.; JIMÉNEZ-FONSECA, P. (2019) Validity and Reliability of the Decision Regret Scale in Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Vol 57 (4), 828-834. Abril. Impact factor: 3.249.

CALDERÓN, C.; NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P. J. (2019) Multidimensional or essentially unidimensional? A multi-faceted factor-analytic approach for assessing the dimensionality of tests and items. Psicothema. 31(4), 450-457. Novembre. Impact factor: 1.551.

CANALS, J.; VOLTAS, N.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; COSI, S.; ARIJA, V. (2019). Prevalence of DSM-5 anxiety disorders, comorbidity and persistence of symptoms in Spanish early adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Vol. 28 (1), 131-143. Gener. Impact factor: 3.553.

COSO, B.; GUASCH, M.; FERRÉ, P.; HINOJOSA, J.A. (2019). Affective and concreteness norms for 3,022 Croatian words. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Vol.72(9), 2302-2312, setembre. Impact factor:2.19.

de la Torre R, de Sola S, Farré M, Xicota L, Cuenca-Royo A, Rodriguez J, León A, Langohr K, Gomis-González M, Hernandez G, Esteba S, Del Hoyo L, Sánchez-Gutiérrez J, Cortés MJ, Ozaita A, Espadaler JM, Novell R, Martínez-Leal R, Milá M, Dierssen M; TESXF Study Group (2019). A phase 1, randomized double-blind, placebo controlled trial to evaluate safety and efficacy of epigallocatechin-3-gallate and cognitive training in adults with Fragile X syndrome. Clinical Nutrition, S0261, 5614.

DE LA VEGA, R.; MIRÓ, J.; ESTEVE, R.; RAMÍREZ-MAESTRE, C.; LÓPEZ-MARTÍNEZ, A.E.; JENSEN, M.P. (2019) Sleep disturbances in individuals with physical disabilities and chronic pain: the role of physical, emotional and cognitive factors. Disability and Health Journal. Vol 12(4), 588-593. Octubre. Impact factor:1.471.

DE LA VEGA, R.; MOLTON, I. R.; MIRÓ, J.; SMITH, A. E.; JENSEN, M. P. (2019). Changes in perceived social support predict changes in depressive symptoms in adults with physical disability. Disability and Health Journal. Vol. 12(2), 214-219. Abril. Impact factor: 1.86.

DE LA VEGA, R.; RACINE, M.; CASTARLENAS, E.; SOLÉ, E.; ROY, R.; JENSEN, M.P.; MIRÓ, J.; CANE, D. (2019). The Role of Sleep Quality and Fatigue on the Benefits of an Interdisciplinary Treatment for Adults With Chronic Pain. Pain Practice. Vol. 19(4), 347-458. Impact factor: 2.187.

ESCORIAL, S.; NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D.; FERRANDO, P.J.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2019). Is individual reliability responsible for differences in personality differentiation across ability levels?. Personality and Individual Differences. Vol.139, 331-336. Març. Impact factor: 1.967.

ESCRIBANO, J.; LUQUE, V.; CANALS-SANS, J.; FERRÉ ,N.; KOLETZKO, B.; GROTE ,V.; WEBER, M.; GRUSZFELD, D.; SZOTT; VERDUCI, E.; RIVA, E.; BRASSELLE, G.; PONCELETAND, P.; CLOSA-MONASTEROLO, R. (2019). Mental performance in 8-year-old children fed reduced protein content formula during the 1st year of life: safety analysis of a randomised clinical trial. British Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 122(S1), S22-S30. Impact factor: 3.00.

EXPÓSITO-VIZCAINO, S.; BURJALÉS-MARTÍ, D.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Factores psicosociales en el dolor crónico oncológico: un estudio Delphi. Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor. Vol. 26(1), 21-30. Gener-febrer. Impact factor: 0.12.

FERRANDO, P. J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2019). An External Validity Approach for Assessing Essential Unidimensionality in Correlated-Factor Models. Educational and Psychological Measurement. Vol. 79 (3), 437-461. Juny. Impact factor: 1.663.

FERRANDO, P. J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D. (2019) unival: An FA-based R Package For Assessing Essential Unidimensionality Using External Validity Information. The R Journal. Vol. 11(1), 427-436. Juny. Impact factor: 2.682.

FERRANDO, P. J.; NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2019) Assessing the quality and effectiveness of the factor score estimates in psychometric factor-analytic Applications. Methodology. Vol. 15(3), 119-127. Agost. Impact factor: 0.90.

FERRANDO, P.J. (2019). A comprehensive IRT approach for modelling binary, graded, and continuous responses with errors in persons and items. Applied Psychological Measurement. Vol.43(5), 339-359. Juliol. Impact factor: 1.155.

FERRANDO, P.J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2019). On the Added Value of Multiple Factor Score Estimates in Essentially Unidimensional Models. Educational and Psychological Measurement. Vol. 79(2), 249-271. Abril. Impact factor: 2.051.

FERRÉ, P.; COMESAÑA, M.; GUASCH, M. (2019). Emotional content and source memory for language: Impairment in an incidental encoding task. Frontiers in Psychology. On line: doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00065. Impact factor: 2.089.

FERRE-REY, G.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, J.; LLORCA-LINARES, M.; VICENS, P.; CAMPS, C.; TORRENTE, M.; MORALES-VIVES, F. (2019). A systematic review of instruments for early detection of autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy. Vol. 19 (1), 29-38. Març. Impact factor: 0.91.

FOLCH, A.; MARTÍNEZ-LEAL, R.; VICENS, P.; IRAZABAL, M.; MUÑOZ, S.; SALVADOR-CARULLA, L.; ROVIRA, LL.; OREJUELA, C.; CORTES, M.J (2019). The POMONA-ESP project methodology: Collecting data on health indicators for people with intellectual developmental disorders. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Vol. 32(1), 15-22. Gener. Impact factor: 2.26.

FOLCH, A.; SALVADOR-CARULLA, L.; VICENS, P.; CORTES, M. J.; IRAZABAL, M.; MUÑOZ, S.; ROVIRA, LL.; OREJUELA, C.; GONZALEZ, J. A.; MARTÍNEZ-LEAL, R. (2019). Health indicators in Intellectual Developmental Disorders: the key findings of the POMONA-ESP Project. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Vol. 32(1), 23-34. Gener. Impact factor: 2.26.

GALÁN, S.; ROY, R.; SOLÉ, E.; RACINE, M.; DE LA VEGA, R.; JENSEN, M.P.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Committed action, disability and perceived health in individuals with fibromyalgia. Behavioral Medicine. Vol.45(1), 62-69. Impact factor:2.012.

GIL-JUÁREZ, A. (2019). ¿Dónde pongo lo hallado? Un relato biográfico desde la universidad desmantelada. El Alma Pública, 12, 43-74.

GIL-JUÁREZ, A. (2019). A Tale of Two Subjectivities: An Academic Life Story. Social Sciences, 10, 267-275.

GUARDIA-ESCOTE L.; BASAURE P.; PERIS-SAMPEDRO F.; BIOSCA-BRULL J.; CABRÉ M.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED F.; DOMINGO JL.; (2019) APOE genetic background and sex confer different vulnerabilities to postnatal chlorpyrifos exposure and modulate the response to cholinergic drugs. Behavioural Brain Research. Vol. 376, número d'article 112195. Desembre. Impact factor:2.77.

HARO, J.; COMESAÑA, M.; FERRÉ, P. (2019). Is there an orthographic boost for ambiguous words during their processing? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. Vol. 48(2), 519-534. Abril. Impact factor: 0.659.

Hassiotis A, Brown E, Harris J, Helm D, Munir K, Salvador-Carulla L, Bertelli M, Baghdadli A, Wieland J, Novell-Alsina R, Cid J, Vergés L, Martínez-Leal R, Mutluer T, Ismayilov F, Emerson E. (2019). Association of Borderline Intellectual Functioning and Adverse Childhood Experience with adult psychiatric morbidity. Findings from a British birth cohort. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), 387.

HERNÁNDEZMARTÍNEZ, C.; VOLTAS MORESO, N.; ARIJA VAL, V.; JARDÍ PIÑANA, C.; BEDMAR CARRETERO, C.; CANALS, J. (2019). The role of maternal emotional states during pregnancy and early infancy on infant cortisol levels: A prospective study. Infant and Child Development. Vol 28(5), article n. E2149, setembre-octubre. Impact factor: 1.215.

HUETE-PÉREZ, D.; HARO, J.; HINOJOSA, JA.; FERRÉ, P. (2019). Does it matter if we approach or withdraw when reading? A comparison of fear-related words and anger-related words. Acta Psychologica. Vol. 197, 73-85. Juny. Impact factor:2.031.

IGLESIAS, L.; CANALS, J.; ARIJA, V. (2019). Review and meta‐analysis found that prenatal folic acid was associated with a 58% reduction in autism but had no effect on mental and motor development. Acta Paediatrica. Vol.108 (4), 600-610. Abril. Impact factor: 2.580.

IGLESIAS, L.; CANALS, J.; VOLTAS, N.; JARDÍ, C.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; BEDMAR, C.; ESCRIBANO, J.; ARANDA, N.; JIMÉNEZ, R.; BARROSO, J.M.; RIBOT, B.; ARIJA, V. (2019). Does the fortified milk with high iron dose improve the neurodevelopment of healthy infants? Randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics. Vol. 19(1), n. Aricle: 315. Impact factor: 1.983.

JENSEN, MP.; CASTARLENAS, E.; ROY, R.; TOMÉ PIRES, C.; RACINE, M.; PATHAK, A.; MIRÓ, J. (2019) The Utility and Construct Validity of Four Measures of Pain Intensity: Results From a University-Based Study in Spain. Pain Medicine. Vol. 20 (12), 2411-2420. Desembre. Impact factor: 2.782.

LEDESMA, R. D.; FERRANDO, P. J.; TOSI, J. D. (2019). The Use of Exploratory Factor Analysis in RIDEP. Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion- E Avaliacao Psicologica. Vol.52(3), 173-180. Juliol-setembre. Impact factor: 0.443.

LLORCA, M.; SÁNCHEZ, J.; CAMPS, C. ; MORALES-VIVES, F. (2019). Detección temprana de signos de alarma en el desarrollo de personas con Trastornos del Espectro Autista. EIPEA, n. 6. Maig.

Lorenzo-Seva, U., & Ferrando, P. (2019). Robust Promin: un método para la rotación de factores de diagonal ponderada. LIBERABIT. Revista Peruana De Psicología, 25(1), 99 - 106.

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; CALDERON, C.; FERRANDO, P.J.; MUÑOZ, M.; BEATO, C.; GHANEM,I.; CASTELO, B.; CARMONA-BAYONAS, A.; HERNÁNDEZ, R.; JIMÉNEZ-FONSECA. P. (2019). Psychometric properties and factorial analysis of invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) in cancer patients. Quality of Life Research. Vol.28(5), 1255-1264. Maig. Impact factor: 2.392.

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P.J. (2019). A General Approach for Fitting Pure Exploratory Bifactor Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research. Vol.54(1). 15-30. Gener-febrer. Impact factor: 3.691.

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P.J. (2019). Unrestricted factor analysis of multidimensional test items based on an objectively refined target matrix. Behavior Research Methods. Doi:.org/10.3758/s13428-019-01209-1.

MIRÓ, J.; DE LA VEGA, R.; GERTZ KJ.; THONG, ISK.; JENSEN, MP.; ENGEL, JM. (2019) Do Commonly Used Measures of Pain Intensity Only Reflect Pain Intensity in Youths With Bothersome Pain and a Physical Disability? Frontiers in Pediatrics. (Només on-line).Vol 7:229. doi: 0.3389/fped.2019.00229. Juny. Impact Factor: 2.349.

MIRÓ, J.; DE LA VEGA, R.; GERTZ, K.; JENSEN, M. P.; ENGEL, J. M. (2019). The role of perceived family social support and parental solicitous responses in adjustment to bothersome pain in young people with disabilities. Disability & Rehabilitation. Vol.41(6), 641-648. Impact factor: 2.042.

MORALES-VIVES, F.; COSI, S.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2019) The INventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Antisocial Behavior (INCA) for Young People: Development and Validation in a Community Sample. Frontiers In Psychology. Març. On-line: doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00713. Impact factor: 2.089.

MORALES-VIVES, F.; DUEÑAS, J.M.; COSI, S.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2019) Suicidal ideation in adolescents assessed with the three-mode component approach. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy. Vol.19(3), 311-322. Ocyubre. Impact factor: 0.91.

NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D.; VIGIL-COLET, A.; FERRANDO, P. J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2019).Psychological Test Toolbox: A new tool to compute factor analysis controlling response bias. Journal of Statistical Software. Vol. 91, 6. Octubre. Impact factor: 11.655.

ROIGÉ-CASTELLVÍ, J., MURPHY, M., HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C., Solé-Navais, P., Cavallé-Busquets, P., Fernández-Ballart, J., ...& Canals, J. (2019). The effect of prenatal smoke exposure on child neuropsychological function: a prospective mother-child cohort study. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 1-13.

ROIGÉ-CASTELLVÍ, J.; MURPHY, M.; FERNÁNDEZ-BALLART, J.; CANALS, J. (2019). Moderately elevated preconception homocysteine is a risk factor for psychological problems in childhood. Public Health Nutrition. Vol. 22(9), 1615-1623. Juny. Impact factor: 2.485.

ROY, R.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; GALÁN, S.; RACINE, M.; CASTARLENAS, E.; JENSEN, M. P.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Factors associated with migraine in the general population of Spain: results from the European Health Survey 2014. Pain Medicine. Vol.20(3), 555-563. Març. Impact factor: 2.782.

SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; DE LA VEGA, R.; RACINE, M.; ROY, R.; JENSEN, M.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Support for the Spanish version of the CPAQ-8 as a measure of chronic pain acceptance. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. Vol. 25 (5), 881-888. Octubre. Impact factor: 1.536.

SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; SOLÉ, E.; TOMÉ-PIRES, C.; GALÁN, S.; RACINE, M.; JENSEN, M.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Are attitudes about pain related with the coping strategies that adolescents use? Scandinavian Journal of Pain. Vol. 19 (3), 513-522. Juliol. Impact factor: 0.85.

SCHREIBER, E.; ALFAGEME, O.; GARCIA, T.; GONZÁLEZ, N.; SIRVENT, J.J.; TORRENTE, M.; GÓMEZ, M.; DOMINGO J.L. (2019). Oral exposure of rats to dienestrol during gestation and lactation: Effects on the reproductive system of male offspring. Food and Chemical Toxicolology. Vol.128, 193-201. Juny. Impact factor: 2,02.

SCHREIBER, E.; GARCIA, T.; SHARMA, RP.; TORRENTE, M.; DOMINGO, JL.; GÓMEZ M. (2019). Oxidative stress in testes of rats exposed to n-butylparaben. Food and Chemical Toxicolology. Vol 131, n. Article 110573. Setembre. Impact factor: 2,02.

SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ M., BOADA-GRAU J., ROBERT-SENTÍS L., VIGIL-COLET A. (2019).Predictive variables for musculoskeletal problems in professional drivers. Journal Of Transport & Health. Vol. 14, article n. 100576. Setembre. Impact factor: 2.583.

Serrano-Fernández MJ, Boada-Grau J, Robert-Sentís L, Vigil-Colet A, Assens-Serra J. (2019). Predictive power of selected factors over driver stress at work. International Journal of Occupational Safety And Ergonomics. pp. 1 - 9. Taylor & Francis, 2019. ISSN 1080-3548, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10803548.2019.1613812

SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ, M. J.; BOADA-GRAU, J.; GIL-RIPOLL, C.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2019). A predictive study of antecedent variables of Passion towards Work. Anales de Psicología. Vol.35 (3), 490-495. Obtubre. Impact factor: 0.90.

SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ, M.; BOADA-GRAU, J.; ASSENS-SERRA, J.; BOADA-CUERVA, M.; VIGIL-COLET, A.(2019). Influence of personality variables, impulsivity, perfectionism, self-esteem and self-efficacy in work craving. Anales De Psicologia. Vol.35(3), 506 - 513. Agost. Impact factor: 0.90.

SOLÉ, E.; CASTARLENAS, E.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; GALÁN, S.; DE LA VEGA, R.; JENSEN, M. P.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). The reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the Fear of Pain Questionnaire. Journal of Health Psychology. Vol. 24(8), 1134-1144. Juliol. Impact factor: 2.256.

SOLÉ, E.; GALÁN, S.; DE LA VEGA, R.; CASTARLENAS, E.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; JENSEN, M.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Psychometric properties of the Functional Disability Inventory for assessing pain-related disability in children from the community. Disability and Rehabilitation. Vol 41(20), 2451-2458. Octubre. Impact factor: 2.054.

TOMAS-ROIG, J.; TORRENTE, M.; CABRÉ, M.; VILELLA, E.; COLOMINA, MT. (2019). Long lasting behavioural effects on cuprizone fed mice after neurotoxicant withdrawal. Behavioural Brain Research. Vol. 363, 38-44. Maig. Impact factor: 3.173.

VILLALOBOS, M.; TOUS, M.; CANALS, J.; ARIJA, V. (2019). Vitamin D during pregnancy and neurodevelopment of the child: systematic review. Anales de Psicología. Vol.35(3). 389-396. Octubre Impact factor: 0.49.

VOLTAS, N., & CANALS, J. (2018). La depresión en la adolescencia: ¿Un problema enmascarado? Revista de Estudios de Juventud, (121), 25-43.

VOLTAS, N., HERNANDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C., ARIJA, V., & CANALS, J. (2019). Suicidality in a community sample of early adolescents: a three-phase follow-up study. Archives of Suicide Research, 1-19.